A Game-Changing Solution Drove Results for the Domino’s Brand

A Powerful Fusion for Context, Creative & Attention to Amplify Consumer Awareness and Drive Sales

Desktop Skin, In-Screen Expandable,
HangTime Unit (Playground xyz format)
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Domino’s enlisted GumGum’s contextual expertise combined with Playground xyz’s Attention Intelligence Platform (AIP) to cut through a competitive advertising landscape for their ‘50% Off’ campaign.

Domino’s was aware that context could play a key role in this effort, but were curious to find out if leveraging attention signals could more effectively optimize their approach, amplify consumer awareness and ultimately, increase pizza sales.

Illustration of GumGum x Playground xyz x Dominos Methodology

A Combined Contextual, Creative & Attention Strategy

GumGum and Playground xyz teamed up to develop a global-first, game-changing solution for the Domino’s brand:

  • Using Domino’s known audience indicators, GumGum’s contextual intelligence engine, VerityTM, identified the most relevant contextual environments to reach audiences.
  • Playground xyz’s AIP platform then identified the contextual categories that were securing the highest levels of Attention Time (how long, in seconds, an ad is viewed) for the ad.
  • All elements of the Domino’s campaign were then optimized, pushing delivery towards the contexts where attention was highest, and away from the contexts where attention was under-indexing against the mean average.

Performance & Results

By combining context and attention, GumGum and Playground xyz achieved outstanding results for Domino’s ‘50% Off Campaign.’

Days Worth of Additional
Attention Uplift
One of the creative units achieved 2,143 hours
more than a non-optimized control
KPI Uplift in CTR
For select units after optimizing to high
performing Attention Time contexts
Return on Ad Spend
135% to 398% Return on Ad Spend
across three different units for the
Domino’s campaign
News and Education
Health and Fitness

The top-performing categories to secure the highest level of Attention Time included Business, News and Education and Health and Fitness. GumGum Verity™’s in-depth contextual intelligence expertise worked to identify Health and Fitness as a targeting category - an optimization opportunity that may have otherwise been missed with a more standard contextual approach. (The Health and Fitness category is in contrast with what pizza and other fast-food retailers traditionally target)


The combination of  Verity™ and Playground xyz’s AIP worked to identify the contextual categories securing the highest levels of Attention Time for the Domino’s ad - quickly highlighting clear, actionable trends.

Optimization opportunities that may have been missed due to traditional thinking or assumptions were also identified, further proving the power of context and attention working together to boost campaign success.

Attention Time is an incredibly effective metric for measuring quality and performance of ads in contextual environments and identifying routes for optimization.

GumGum is excited to bring this game-changing solution to more global advertisers. For more information, fill out the form below.

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